Anyone usually think that “women engineers” are strong and don’t take care of themselves.
“Women engineers” are normally recognized as dash..strong..serious...brave! And they are seen as ignoring to take care of themselves. Sometimes, these women are overlooked by men as well.

Makeover is required! To change women engineer’s character!
Even though you have to be strong and brave for your work, you are “women” anyway. Most women basically like to be beautiful and confident. We are going to present a story of a real strong woman! Khun Numfah Waraphan, let’s see how her appearances improved, and be surprised that a woman engineer like her can take care of her beauty, compared to what other people expected.

“I like to be beautiful” since I have contact with many people in my daily life.
“Currently, I am working in the marketing field as a sale engineer. I have contact with many people in my working time, most are male engineers, so I feel like being a white sheep in black sheep group. Therefore I like to improve my appearance to achieve more confidence.”
I have seen many reviews of cosmetic surgery results from several people I know.
“I was unsure at the beginning, so I preferred to view people who have had cosmetic surgery at SLC, whether in IG and Facebook. I found that they have improved in appearance, particularly with Chestnut-shaped lips. Therefore I decided to start my cosmetic surgery with Chestnut-shaped lip surgery.”

Cosmetic surgery is not scary
“On the day when I was having counseling with a doctor at SLC, I had a chance to see a patient who had just had eyelid surgery, and it was not scary like I expected. Also, I would like to have beautiful and vibrant looking eyes that are harmonious to my facial composition, so I consulted with the doctor, and decided to have Chestnut-shaped lip surgery and double eyelid surgery at the same time.”
From Chinese looks become pretty looks with “Idol Eyes”
She used to have a lot excess fat of eye skin, which caused sagging of the upper eyelid (excess upper eyelid hooding) and that caused her eyes to look tired. This type of eyelid is not suited for double eyelid surgery with short incision technique, but is appropriate with full incision technique where excess skin, fat and muscle will be removed and the wound will be closed with a tiny dissolvable suture. The technique is also suited for extending the temporal and elevating eye folds, which provides pretty and vibrant looking eyes.

(Immediately after double eyelid surgery was performed)
Idol Eyes…impress others with your eyes

I have seen many Lips reviews which inspired me to have pretty lips like “Babii Lips”
Both her upper and lower lips were thick with a disproportionate appearance, since the ideal lips are a chestnut-shaped lips (upper lip a half height compared to the lower lip). The doctor corrected her lips with chestnut-shaped lip surgery proportioned for her face.

(Immediately after chestnut-shaped lip surgery)
Babii Lips ..charming lips