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Wish to commit suicide! When my appearance was so bad, like “ugly bumpy face”
06 Oct 2015 17:21 | Read 421,554

An acne problem can become a big deal for many people, especially facial acne which can affect your confidence and self-esteem. There are various causes of acne which are different for each individual. Khun King from Makeover program by SLC Season 2 had a very bad experience when suffering from a severe acne problem caused by FDA unapproved whitening cream. She also had frustration and was pressured from people around her with various comments, or even mocking her with jokes such as “Moon face”, “ugly bumpy face”, “pimple face” etc., so she seriously wanted to change herself to become a new person.

My pimple face due to FDA unapproved whitening cream and steroid allergy 
"When I was in teens (year 9 in the school) I went through hormonal change, so I experienced some acne. I applied a whitening cream that I bought from the general market, which resulted in my facial skin becoming very good and the acne was much improved. My friends notified that my face was too bright and that the facial capillaries were visible. Then I stopped the cream for 1 week, and I had a lot of inflammation acne with 7-8 heads in one. I had never experienced anything like that before, and the acne could not be covered by make-up anymore.”

Should I commit suicide to escape the problem?
“I was jobless and no company would offer me a job because of my pimples face, so I almost attempted suicide in that period which was the worst situation of my life, even though more people suggested me to treat my facial skin first before looking for a job. However, the acne got even worse since I suffered from more stress. I cried every night and didn’t want to live anymore. I thought.. Should I commit suicide to escape the problem?

However, she didn’t commit suicide because her family always supported her and they also looked for any procedures to heal her pimples face. So her big sister suggested her to apply for the Makeover program by SLC. Finally, she passed to the final 4 people in the Makeover program Season 2 by SLC. She came from Korat to go to SLC for having facial skin treatments.

Healing acne face by treating all the acne pores.
Since Khun King pimples condition was severe our specialist team planned for treating her carefully, to stop any contempt of people around her. SLC special technique and Acne Control treatment were performed, along with giving her Acne medication.

V-Beam Laser treating redness of acne
The doctor team performed a treatment with V Beam Laser after the inflammation acne had improved, and left only redness and acne scars. V Beam that was designed in order to heal capillary abnormalities. The laser is available for various skin conditions, such as acne redness, keloid, scars, facial and nasal capillary abnormalities, red birthmarks, red stretch marks, blemishes, facial freckles, dark spots, etc., and the laser also provides radiant and youthful-looking skin, and reduces redness quickly.

Treating acne scars with Subcision, Fraxel Restore Laser and E Matrix ETWO
The Subcision technique was performed by our doctor in order to treat acne scars, using a special hypodermic needle inserted through a puncture in the skin surface to stimulate collagen production and to improve acne scars (by reducing broad-based acne scars), and the Fraxel Restore Laser treatment was also carried out to restore facial skin condition and to treat blemishes, dark spots, wrinkles, and to enhance new skin cell creation. Khun King received acne scar treatment continuously more than 10 times in a year. And she also had the E-Matrix treatment for rejuvenation of acne scar in the deep dermal layer.

“Cosmetic surgery” for better life
The doctors at SLC didn’t only work together (!!) in order to find the best solution to heal the acne problem and restore the facial skin of Khun King, but they also suggested her to have Double Eyelid Surgerynose augmentation and chin augmentation surgery with extra soft medical grade A silicones. Finally, they magically provided new looks for her which makes her feel born again.

She said "I feel like I am born again and I will not be shy anymore, since I came into the Makeover program of SLC and had beauty treatment with the doctors here. Thank you very much, Dr. Da and Dr. Thee, for giving me a new life."

Message to anyone who are suffering from same problem
“I would like to tell anyone who are suffering from the same problem as me, that they should keep patient and choose a trusted clinic where they can provide the right treatments for you, and there’s no need to have various treatments in several clinics. Nowadays, I still take very care of my face, such as wiping off my face with normal saline after having removed make-up cosmetics, followed by washing my face. I also use creams that provided SLC. I trust them and will not look for other clinics anymore.”

At SLC, we are welcome to provide you with a makeover to become a new person with ultimate beauty, with Makeover program by SLC –the first reality show in Thailand that is open for people who wish to change their look. Join us for improving your appearance as you desire... Makeover is Easy by SLC specialists.
Thank you 
An interview from Khun King – Makeover program by SLC Season 2 
Khun King’s Facebook:  KingKan SLC

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