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Reaction from allergy to masks, damaged face, and acne scars. Can the Fraxel and E Matrix handle it?
07 Jan 2022 16:47 | Read 10,520

Reaction from allergy to masks, damaged face,

and acne scars. Can the Fraxel and E Matrix handle it?

Suffering from acne scars because of wearing masks all the time, I feel discouraged!!!

“During the Covid crisis, things are already stressful, but having acne scars and various red marks on the face is even more stressful!! When meeting with friends just to have a meal, I still don't dare to take off the mask because of fear and I’m embarrassed about my skin. I have to avoid taking off the mask at all times because once I do, I lose confidence immediately. Before, people used to tell me that my face is very clear, but now it’s full of scars.”

Tin further revealed that in the past there were people who said that his face was bright and clear but when he has allergy to the mask, which created acne and further problems with acne scars, and acne holes, “I don’t want to go out and to meet anyone because I still feel like I'm not okay with this kind of skin, I feel sad, but when I’m feeling like this, I quickly try to find a solution because I know that I must return to have the same skin as before all of this started.


    This is the problem of many people who were wearing masks and started to develop skin issues such as pimples, clogged acne, and rashes!
For example the case of Mr. Tin (private company employee), he was originally a young man with a clear face, far from acne, but his skin was damaged because when he wears a mask, it caused him to have acne, clogged acne, pimples, inflamed acne, red rashes and symptoms of itching.


          “When I have a lot of acne, I can't stand it, I accidentally prick the acne, leaving wrinkles, redness, scars, huge pores, pitted face. The skin that used to be smooth is not smooth anymore. It's known as the damaged skin with acne from wearing a mask. 

What causes face mask acne?

  • Due to the abrasion of the skin and its contact with the mask, it causes irritation, red rash and itching. 

  • When the skin is weak and irritated, acne begins to arise more easily, in all forms such as clogged acne, pimples and inflammatory acne.

  • The area of the face is moist from wearing a mask for a long time, making it difficult to ventilate and the moisture thus causes bacteria and dirt to accumulate together causing skin problems.

  • Cosmetics or make-up, make the skin more clogged because there is also an impact with the weather and the pollution, making the skin more sensitive and weak.

  • The bacteria then settles in from the pollution, and sweat and saliva drops into the skin. 

  • Using a reusable cloth mask, which has been washed with a detergent that contains chemicals, causes the skin to have irritation too.


Anyone who encounters the same problem with masks and damaged skin as Tin, has acne that they can’t resist in pricking until the pores are wide, and then the face begins to fill with acne scars and red marks?


พื้นที่บนหน้าไม่มีที่ว่าง เต็มไปด้วยสิวเพียบ!!  

Tin came to consult at SLC Clinic about skin problems such as acne scars all over the face until there is almost no space left for smooth and clear skin. The doctor recommended two main procedures, Fraxel Restore Laser and E Matrix ETWO, both of which are laser treatments for acne scars and enlarged pores.

        Gold Standard lasers that are certified by the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) as safe and remarkably enhance therapeutic efficacy by emitting light waves in the Mid Infrared range that will enter every molecule on the skin.
          It is like growing a new skin by repairing thousands of tiny dots at a time, with no side effects and no scars. The treatment needs to be continued once a month, as Fraxel stimulates the growth of new skin cells and sheds old skin cells so that you will have a smooth and clear skin. It is effective in treating chronic acne, old acne scars or inflamed acne scars and also used to treat wrinkles and stretch marks; making the skin equal and smooth.

What can Fraxel Restore Laser help with?

  • Stimulates the production of collagen in the skin

  • Tightens pores

  • Exfoliates old skin cells 

  • Stimulates new skin cells to be strong

  • Reduces acne

  • Fills in acne scars, tightens and smoothen the skin

  • Reduces wrinkles and redness from acne

As for the other treatment which is E Matrix ETWO, it uses Bipolar RF energy to spread high frequency radiofrequency (Fractional Radiofrequency) in fractions, which will transmit heat energy into a wide and deep area under the skin. It helps to stimulate the dermis to expand and contract which will cause the creation of collagen for the skin. It also reduces the work of the sebaceous glands and helps to reduce oiliness on the face which are the main causes of acne.     

How can E Matrix ETWO help?

  • Helps heal acne scars

  • Tightens pores 

  • Smoothens skin

  • Reduces wrinkles, redness, black marks from acne

  • Reduces the work of the sebaceous glands 

  • Helps reduce oiliness on the face

  • Stimulates the production of collagen

          Mr. Tin said that “Before I decided to come in to do laser acne treatment and to do facial skin rejuvenation, I tried to find information in many places until I came across a review case of SLC Clinic. There is one interesting case with many skin problems such acne scars and wrinkles which was very similar to mine, so I decided to try it. I knew I made the right decision.”


          From a person with a clear face, one day, they have to encounter allergic reactions to masks which damages their face, cause not only acne, but also stress and anxiety, causes them to lose confidence wherever they go. They feel that the skin is not as clean as before and that they have to do something because we have to live with Covid and wearing masks. The more you leave it, the more damaged your skin will get. You need to hurry up and receive treatment in order to make it clearer and better quickly. It's called recovering your skin, recovering your face, and obtaining back your self-confidence to the fullest.

Fraxel Restore Laser Treatment Procedure and E Matrix ETWO Review

Before the laser treatment, there is a numbing cream to relieve pain during treatment.

The laser treatment for acne scars in SLC Clinic will be always performed only by qualified specialist in order to get results that can correct facial skin problems on the right spot safely and with excellent outcome.

While doing it, it will feel a little hot in the facial area because it releases heat wave energy into the subcutaneous layer.
After the procedure, there may be a slight redness and swelling because it uses heat energy waves.  In order to relieve swelling, a cold compress will be used.

          “After the first time I feel that my skin has improved. There will be slight redness but after a while, it disappears and the acne will start to reduce. The doctor recommends to do it continuously at least 3 times, every 4 weeks, depending on the opinion of the doctor who will re-evaluate the condition of the skin regularly.

Fraxel Restore Laser Treatment Procedure and E Matrix ETWO Review 2


“I can feel that acne began to decrease and the redness from acne has faded. The desire to return to a clear face is getting closer!!

“I came back to do it the second time from acne problems that left red marks and this time it’s starting to decrease. The face of the skin that used to be rough and have acne is better. After looking in the mirror, I am so relieved because the acne is reduced, the redness has faded as compared before when I took off the mask, I can tell you that there is no area that has smooth skin without pimples at all. Just after two times I could feel it has really faded. When I take off the mask I am not as shocked as before by my appearance. My face looks a little better. I will wait and see how much more acne-free space I can get after my next treatment.” 


Fraxel Restore Laser Treatment Procedure and E Matrix ETWO Review 2


After doing 3 times of Fraxel Restore Laser and E Matrix ETWO, the acne is almost gone, and the red spots from acne have also decreased.

          Every morning when I wake up and look at my face in the mirror, I feel better. Not just the acne scars are gone, but the skin that used to be scarred has returned to fullness. Not just the acne disappeared, but I can feel that my skin is really stronger. Having acne from wearing a mask, if you are allergic to masks as what has happened to me previously, is no longer an issue and I can wear masks without worrying about it damaging my skin. The fact that I came to do this treatment is like rejuvenating my skin from within. What I used to be easily allergic too, I am no longer allergic. When I remove my mask, I don’t need to be embarrassed or afraid that someone will say something about my face with acne holes. My skin got back to its normal state and this was really worth it for me.

          Many men may be embarrassed to go to the clinic, to do anything about beauty but actually, it's about taking care of your skin. It is a way to reward yourself to have good facial skin with no acne, no scars, and no holes. It's something that you really need to take care of and must be done in the right way. Now I can say that I love my skin. Don't hesitate to come see the doctor because just from a small acne it can become acne scars or chronic skin inflammation and it can be a big deal!  Don't press your pimples, or squeeze your pimples yourself, and don't treat it as recommended by the internet because everyone's skin type is different and if it is not treated properly in the first place, there will be acne scars, inflamed skin and other problems that may follow. Anyone who has a problem with allergy to masks or the facial acne that leaves red marks or acne scars, please I really recommend you to hurry to get treatment, and not leave it too long. Every day now, I don’t hesitate to go out with anyone and I have no fear. I won’t deny that I went for treatment and instead I dare to show off, and dare to suggest people who had the same problem as me to receive treatment immediately because now my skin has come back to a state that’s even better than before! 


Successfully regaining clear, acne-free skin!!


Skin problems, all types of problems of acne and acne scars can be treated with Fraxel Restore Laser and E Matrix ETWO program.


รีวิว Fraxel Restore Laser และ E Matrix ETWO 


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