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Makeover to achieve my dream!! “An air hostess”
13 Nov 2015 16:29 | Read 38,877

She had a big dream!  She dreamed to be “an air hostess” but she couldn’t because of her appearance with a round-shaped face, flat nose and big size. Therefore, Khun Nat (Nannicha Ieam-amornrat) decided to join the Makeover program by SLC Season 2 with her life goal to be “an air hostess”, a career that requires both performance and personality. 

แนต Makeover by SLC

แนต Makeover by SLC
แนต Makeover by SLC
Beauty comes along with confidence!
“The Makeover program by SCL inspired her to change herself since her appearance, with an unsatisfactory nose and body shape, made her unsure to contact others, especially about her love story since no one from online chatting were happy to meet her in person. Therefore she wished to improve her looks, particularly her nose and body shape.”

แนต Makeover by SLC

Correcting all beauty problem to become “an air hostess”
SLC surgeons recommended various treatments for her in order to enhance her first impression, including facial reshaping and jaw reduction with Massetter Reduction, facial reshape with filler, facial liposuction with Vaser, enhancing facial dimensions with 3D eyebrow tattooing, providing more beautiful and vibrant looking eyes with double eyelid surgery (Idol eyes) and also Rhinoplasty, which is the most important part of the program which can change her appearance from a flat nose with big nose wings to enhancing the pleasing nose with more dimensions and achieve a harmonious state with the rest of her facial composition.

Filler ปรับรูปหน้า

Lose weight with changing lifestyle and daily habits 
At the beginning of the program she was 85 kg and 162 cm, which was 30 kg over standard weight. Thus SLC doctor team analyzed that she might have an “obesity problem” which needed to lose weight with“ Behavioral Therapy” by changing eating habits, reducing carbohydrates, starch and sugar intake, wake up- go to bed at regular times, and also taking dietary supplement product GLC+ to assist her body balance and weight control. 

GLC+ อาหารเสริมลดน้ำหนัก

GLC+ อาหารเสริมลดน้ำหนัก

Say goodbye to “big legs” 
A specialized doctor performed contouring of her large leg muscle with Massetter Reduction injection to slim down her leg, and the doctor also removed unwanted deposited excess fat in her thighs that could not be eliminated with changing eating habits by using Vaser Lipo Selection. 

Vaser สลายไขมันส่วนเกิน
Vaser สลายไขมันส่วนเกิน02
Vaser สลายไขมัน ไขใน
Slimming shape while maintaining breast size!! 
Since she lost a lot weight, it is usually common that she would also decrease in breast size. A specialized doctor realized that the best way to correct this problem is Breast augmentation surgery in order to enhance her personality to achieve her goal “Air hostess”

Finally, she achieved her dream!!  “Air hostess”
“I spent almost one year to makeover herself. I would like to tell anyone who suffer with an appearance like me to do your best and don’t give up. I already arrived to my goal as an Air hostess career since I have completed the makeover program with SLC. It not only improved appearance and personality that is required to be an air hostess but I also needed to improve my performance and capacity as well. Thank you so much to the medical team and all staff at SLC to provide the makeover for me, and assist me to improve my personality until I could achieve my dream as “an air hostess”   

แนต Makerover by SLC

แนต Makerover by SLC
แนต Makerover by SLC
แนต Makerover by SLC
แนต Makerover by SLC

At SLC, we are pleased to provide you with a makeover to become a new person with ultimate beauty program for individuals who wish to improve their looks. Join us for improving your appearance as your desire... Makeover is Easy by SLC experienced specialists.

Thank you Khun Nat from Makeover program by SLC Season 2 for a very nice interview
Khun Nat’s Facebook Natty.ieamamornrat 
Khun Nat’s IG  Nannicha.i

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