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Makeover Appearance changed from “Negrito looks” to become “a confident-looking girl”
26 Oct 2015 14:17 | Read 51,954

Dreamed and attempted to be a singer
Khun Viavee Vipavee joined the Makeover Program by SLC in Season 1.  She showed a very good singing performance with an excellent voice, she liked to perform on stage, loved music, and dreamed to be a singer or having some kind of career in the entertainment industry. She also liked to be a music teacher, which is she has been fighting hard for her dream to come true by joining several singing contests, no matter close or far away from her place. She received more than 40 singing award trophies.

People around her mocked her, and this caused her to want to be a participant of the Makeover program by SLC
“I got pressure from people around me, they looked down on me or called me ugly, fat, dark girl, short girl, hanging lower lip,  Negrito girl, African tribal, etc., which is why I wanted to change my appearance. When I heard about the Makeover contest, I didn’t hesitate to apply and passed into the final 7 people, and got a chance to receive the Makeover program by SLC Season 1. I was surprised and very happy once I heard the result of the contest; my mom was the first person I thought about at that moment.”

Starting by face reshaping treatment with Filler, Massetter Reduction
My first treatment in the makeover program was a Filler treatment that was performed by a specialist doctor. He carried out the filler treatment with Hyaluronic acid that is able to absorb and preserve water in the skin layers, and which also lasts up to 2 years. Later on, Massetter Reduction was performed for jawline reshaping and creating a thinner looking face.  

Getting rid of moles with CO2 Laser treatment
As there were several noticeable moles and flecks all over her face, doctors provided her with CO2 Laser treatment in order to get rid of the moles and any spots, and to resurface the outer layers to reveal the underlying skin which is softer and smoother. CO2 Laser is medical equipment that uses light beams that are pulsed at a very high rate, and which allows a more powerful CO2 laser to be utilized on any kind of tumors or skin tags treatment without damage to surrounding tissue.

Slimmer claves!! with Massetter Reduction
Massetter Reduction was used to treat big calves, making the calf muscle smaller gradually and showing ultimate results in one month, which can last for 6 months (depends on how good care she takes of herself). Now she dares to wear mini-skirts or leggings pants with confidence.

Creating a better appearance with"3D eyebrow tattooing"
Improving facial dimensions with 3D eyebrow tattooing, which is a lining tattooing that imitates real eyebrows, where tattoos of hair strands are added over the area a more dramatic effect and good looks.

Enhance facial dimensions with “nose augmentation” with a medical grade extra soft silicone.
Since she had quite a big nose that caused disharmony with the rest of her facial composition, the doctors provided a Rhinoplasty closed technique with an extra soft silicone grade A implantation to achieve a pleasing nose in an appropriate shape with the rest of her facial composition.

Unlocked her weak point!! “with ..Chestnut-shaped lip surgery using Babii Lips”
Because she used to be called “Hanging lip girl!” the doctor decided to perform a lip reshaping (Lip reduction). First, her excess lower lip was removed over a duration of 30 minutes, then her upper lip was reshaped using Chestnut-shaped lip surgery with the Babii Lips technique, in order to provide ideal looks and no more hanging.

Chestnut-shaped lip surgery (Lip reduction surgery) “Babii Lips” make more appealing look!!
She can say that having thick lips was her biggest desire to improve, since people around her commented sadly about her thick lower lip! She felt a tiny discomfort when local anesthesia was injected into the jaw, after this she had no sensation and she wasn’t afraid during the Lip reduction surgery. My excess lip was redesigned by incision with excellent sutures, and I could resume normal activities immediately. However, avoiding to eat hot and spicy food 7 days before removing stitches was required.  

Providing bright and radiant with Glutamino+ supplement product
Viavee didn’t only has outside makeover treatment, but SLC also recommended using a Glutamino+supplement product  for good health and healthy skin. “I have been eating Glutamino+ for several years, and my skin is much brighter and healthier than before, and it is obviously noticeable when compared with my little sister who have same tan skin tone like I had previously"


Beauty enhances opportunity to be successful in your future!!
 “I have more jobs and achieve my dreams. I both became a singer and a singing trainer, and I also have a singing job abroad. Before my present situation, I used to suffer from experiences with pressure like being looked down upon or getting bad comments from others. I never gave up, but on the other hand I attempted a lot to improve myself and so finally found SLC, who incredibly provided my new appearance and increased my confidence. Many thanks to SLC for giving me a new life and many opportunities for my career.”

Beauty changes life!! Able to buy a house, a car, and support family!
“Before I had cosmetic surgery, I was not good looking, even I had a very good voice but I did not get jobs often. Nowadays, after my makeover program was completed by SLC, I have a new life with improved life conditions. I could afford a house, a car, and support my parents with my singer career. For me, the most important quote of my life is to not forget gratitude and to be grateful to the patrons such as parents, and then you will have success in everything. And I think that SLC is my secondary patron apart from my parents since I could not have achieved my dream successfully in my singing career – my beloved job, nor be able to support my family if I didn’t join the Makeover program of SLC. Currently, I am proud of being myself and I like to tell my parents that I have already reached the highest goal of my life.’’

At SLC, we are pleased to provide you with makeover to become a new person with ultimate beauty, with the Makeover program by SLC – the first reality show in Thailand that is open for people who wish to change their looks. Join us for improving your appearance as your desire... Makeover is Easy by SLC specialists.

Thank you
An interview of Khun Viavee from Makeover by SLC Season 1 
Facebook Khun Viavee: Viavee Vipavee

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