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Clinic Service
Treatment Course
24 Jul 2015 17:56 | Read 31,165

Nowadays, there are air pollution and routine lifestyle in daily life. These factors can affect your skin. Individuals will have different skin problems. At SLC, we are concerned for all your skin problems, and provide skin treatment courses for long term care where you can choose which one suits your need. Trust in the beauty expert to take care of your skin.

SLC Treatment Course includes: 

  • Basic Course – suited for people who prefer fresh and young looking skin.

  • Acne Control 1 – suited for people who would like to nourish facial skin, reduce redness and inflammation, and heal acne.

  • Acne 2 – suited for people who would like to nourish facial skin, treat acne, reduce redness, and reduce inflammation permanently.

  • Rejuvenation – suited for people who would like to reduce blemishes, freckles, and improve facial skin to become radiant and bright.  

For more information
Call Center : +66 2 714 9555
Whatsapp : +66 96 116 0806
Facebook : SLCclinic
Skype : SLCclinic 
LINE : @SLCclinic

more information

Call Center : +66 2 714 9555

Whatsapp : +66 96 116 0806

Facebook : SLCclinic

Skype : SLCclinic

LINE : @SLChospital


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