Chin augmentation (Genioplasty)
Cosmetic chin surgery is an excellent option for anyone who feels that their chin is too small, too short, or not shaped correctly in relation to the rest of the face. The most common method is chin augmentation by which a medical grade silicone is tailored to suit one’s face. Chin enlargement through chin implant surgery, with extra soft silicone and the special technique of our surgeon, to place the silicone inside of the oral cavity between the gum and lower lip, brings the facial features into harmony and balances the overall facial structure. And no surgical wound can be noticed.
Surgery time
About 30 minutes.
Post-Operative Care
You might experience mild tension in surgical wound. This can last up to a week after surgery.
Recovery time is 1 – 2 weeks before resume your normal work.
Eat a soft or liquid diet for 3-5 days after surgery, in order to affect the incision.
Take all medicines prescribed by the surgeon to reduce discomfort feeling, swelling and bruising.
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