Worrying about “chubby cheeks, puffy cheeks or a fat face”?
Currently, there are various medical procedures of facial contouring to improve facial dimensions and achieve a more harmonious state with the rest of the facial composition. Many people lose confidence because of chubby cheeks, fat face or puffy cheeks. These conditions are caused by several factors, such as facial anatomy, aging, the genetic predisposition of individuals, etc.

Buccal Fat Pad Removal
Buccal Fat is several encapsulated fat masses in the cheek. Most people with chubby cheeks usually have other conditions apart from extra buccal fat pad, such as having prominent cheek bones or jaw size, excess hypodermal fat, etc. Therefore, they might need other treatment besides Buccal Fat Pad Removal surgery. Buccal fat removal is done under local anesthesia through the inside of the mouth in the cheek area with a 1-1.5 cm incision, the buccal fat pad is then gently teased out and removed, and the incisions are completed with dissolvable stitches. The surgical period is approximately 30 minutes and patients are able to resume normal activities immediately without any rehabilitation requirement.
- An incision in the inside of the mouth is made, and then the buccal fat pad is gently removed
- The incisions are completed with dissolvable stitches.
- Buccal fat is a pad form, since there is no fat breaking down procedure
Results may be different from person to person