LED Light Therapy is a skin laser treatment that helps to reduce inflammation, treat acne, and restore the skin for a youthful appearance.
A medical innovation with high efficacy in restoring damaged cells to their normal functions, stimulating the production of collagen in the inner skin layer, repairing inflamed areas within a short period of time, relieving swelling and injury, treating acne, and restoring the skin for a youthful complexion. Likewise, this LED light therapy has the ability to maintain healthy scalp deep down into the hair follicles. The treatment for each skin problem will incorporate the use of both low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and light emitting diode (LEDs), which is the technology that has been certified for the safety standards by the FDA in both Thailand and the U.S.

The operating principles of a laser during or even after the treatment will not generate heat into the skin layer nor result in any side effect. In addition, it is suitable for individuals who wish to reduce swelling from post-surgery. Meanwhile, each treatment will depend on the appropriateness of the wavelength of the light, which will be decided by a medical specialist. The wavelengths can be categorized into two types, as follows:
1. Yellow light wavelengths (photo-sequencing): 830-590 nm (w/590)
2. Red light wavelength: 633 nm

These two types of wavelengths help to restore and rejuvenate skin, reduce swelling and inflammation, and maintain healthy scalp.