Bacteria – the “Cause of Acne” – the Frustrating Problem that Can Never Be Permanently Treated
Cells in the sebaceous gland generally have a lifespan of 14 days. They will initially accumulate from the bottom of the sebaceous gland and gradually make their way up to the pores. Before reaching the pores, their cell walls will break down, releasing sebum and possibly resulting in inflammatory acne.

Possible Causes of Acne:
Increased production of fat
Changes in the components of fat
Stimulation of the peripheral nerves surrounding the sebaceous gland
Hormonal changes
Testosterone imbalance
Clogged pilosebaceous unit (comprising of hair, pores, and sebaceous gland)
Accumulation of fat in the pilosebaceous unit
Increased number of bacteria (P. acnes)
Body’s exposure to bacteria (P. acnes), leading to inflammation
Acne Clear Light: The Integration of Two Technologies for Acne Treatment
Acne Clear Light is a medical innovation that has been certified by the FDA in the U.S. and Thailand. It can be used to treat all acne-related problems, including inflammatory acne, papulopustular acne, comedones, and oily skin, as well as lighten and smoothen the skin through the integration of pneumatics (vacuum) and photo (light) with the wavelengths of light at 500-1,200 nanometers. It is the revolutionary treatment of acne that calculates the period of treatment appropriately. It uses an automatic system with a tip that has been specifically designed to be appropriate to the treated area, ensuring maximum efficiency in removing sebum from the pores. The two methods have different functions, as follows:
1. “Vacuum Pressure” is responsible for removing impurities that are tightly adhered to the pores, as well as sebum –the cause of acne and comedones –and degenerated cells from the pores.
2. “Light Energy” with the wavelengths from 500-1,200 nanometers will deliver heat into the skin, which consequently destroy the bacteria that are the main cause of acne. Likewise, it helps to weaken fat cells in the pores, which facilitates the removal of sebum and therefore reduces the occurrence of comedones and the reoccurrence of acne.

Appropriate Tips for the Treated Area
Standard Tip: suitable for treating acne in the broad area, such as face and cheeks
Small Tip: suitable for treating acne in the sensitive area, such as nose, lips, and forehead
4 Process of Acne Clear Light for an “Acne-Free” Face
1. POSITION: Place a handpiece over the treated area
2. CLEAN: The system will release a vacuum pressure to remove impurities that are tightly attached to the pores, such as comedones and degenerated cells, while weakening fat cells that are the main cause of acne.
3. TREAT: After that, the system will release the light energy and the suction pressure to the treated area in order to destroy bacteria, which are the main cause of acne, as well as to reduce the secretion of sebum and the amount of comedones.
4. COMPLETE: Fats that are clogging the pores will be removed and the bacteria will be destroyed, resulting in a less occurrence of acne, clean and tighten pores, and smoother and brighter skin.
8 Features of Acne Clear Light

1. Reduce comedones and inflammatory acne immediately after the first treatment
2. Destroy bacteria that are the cause of acne
3. Reduce oiliness of the face
4. Tighten skin pores after removing the sebum, which is the cause of acne
5. Reduce the appearance of acne redness
6. No pain during the treatment and no need for recovery
7. Increase absorption of skincare products
8. Suitable for all skin tones
Experience during Acne Clear Light Treatment
Before the medical specialist performs the Acne Clear Light treatment, your skin will be first treated with “Ozone Therapy”, which is used to enlarge the skin pores. This method will increase the efficiency of removing sebum from the pores. After that, the medical specialist will place the handpiece over the face. During this process, the skin will feel the suction pressure from the vacuum and minor warmth from the light therapy. The sebum will be removed from the pores, in which the medical specialist will clean and take care of the skin throughout the process. After the treatment, you can spend your life normally with no need for recovery since there are no incisions or wounds. You will not feel any pain during the treatment. However, some people may experience swelling and redness after the treatment, which depend on each individual’s skin problem.

Suitable Areas for Treatmen
Facial and body skin with inflammatory acne and comedones, along with deeply embedded acnes in the skin pores. The treatment is suitable for all skin tones.
Duration of Treatmen
Approximately 15 - 30 minutes per time
How to Treat “Acne” Permanently?
Wait for at least 2 weeks before receiving a new treatment after the first treatment
Should receive the treatment continuously for 5-7 times under consideration of the medical specialist
Strictly follow the doctor’s advice
Remark: the obtained results depend on each individual’s skin problem
Reviews on Acne Clear Light Treatment