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How to check that a medical grade silicone is in fact not illegal and low quality silicone?!!
23 Sep 2015 16:24 | Read 61,677

Small breasted women are usually too embarrassed when people tease them by using various names, such as Flat-chest, board chest, raisin breasts, or even LCD chest!! Therefore many small breasted women wear breast enhancing pads, breast enlargement bras, etc. to make their breasts look bigger and fuller. But regular mocking by people using terms as "fried egg chest" might make these women consider having “Breast augmentation surgery”. Financial status is the most important factor for people to concern about choosing a clinic to carry out “Breast augmentation surgery”.  

There is interesting information from SLC about Not standardized breast implant silicone!! How does it look?  This is the main factor to make a decision for the best to your body.

Breast augmentation silicone types:
Currently, there are 2 types of breast implant silicone that have been approved by U.S. FDA: saline and silicone. Both consist of a silicone outer shell; the difference is what's inside the implants. Silicone implants are more popular, because they provide a better sensation, are more flexible, and look like real breasts.

There are two types of breast implant shapes. 1. Round breast implants 2. Tear drop breast implants. You can choose breast implants according to your preference.

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What to make sure of in terms of the quality and safety of silicone breast implants?
There are several silicone implants brands in the general market, and these are made by various manufacturers from several countries, but only the Allergan and Mentor brands are approved by the U.S.FDA, with clinical studies of a long period ( >10 years) staying inside human bodies. The studies were carried out by following a large group of patients for long term and also auditing the manufacture procedure and quality control. The breast augmentation guidelines provided by FDA in 2011 is as follows:

  • Patients have to be at least 22 years old.

  • Risk of complication will depend on the duration of breast implantation, as there is a high risk of requirement to remove or replace the implants if people have implants for a long period. Regular breast check-ups along life are required for people with breast implantations.

  • ​Capsular contracture (hardening of the breast area around the implant) is the most common complication of breast implantation, along with ruptured and leaking silicone implants, creased implants, asymmetry (when breasts are uneven in appearance in terms of size, shape, or breast level), scars and infection. There is a 20% risk that at least one complication will occur in 10 years. 

  • There are no clinical studies showing that breast implants can cause breast cancer, connective tissue disorder, or rheumatoid arthritis. However, various studies still don’t have enough patients and have not tracked patients long enough to assure that these conditions will not occur.

  • The U.S.FDA recommends that women with silicone implants get an MRI after implantation every two years.

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How to check that a medical grade silicone is not illegal and low quality silicone?!! 

Nowadays, U.S. FDA approval should be required for silicone manufacturer, whether smooth-surface silicone or textured silicone (surface like fine sandpaper), for safety reasons. Smooth-surface is replaced by textured silicone, since textured silicone reduces risk of fascia formation and capsular contracture, and since it also has a longer duration.

After breast implant surgery is completed, you have to make sure that you get the silicone quality certificate and the silicone “serial number” in order to be able to track the silicone legally under approval of the U.S.FDA. 

Example of Serial Number of silicone implants that guaranteed quality and able to be tracked for a manufacturer

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Warning!!  Illegal or copied silicone implants. Although they are cheap!! You might get unexpected effect!! Today, there are several cases suffering with illegal silicone implants. And some clinics claim that they use standard silicone implants, but they don’t give any quality certificates to patients after surgery.

“Raptured silicone” causes:
The risk of silicone rapture is very low for high quality and standard silicone implants approved by the U.S.FDA, because the U.S.FDA is a federal agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, one of the United States federal executive departments. The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety, medications, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, as well as cosmetics. The U.S.FDA approved silicone implants as material that can be pressured very well with high flexibility. Therefore, the U.S.FDA approved that silicone implants might rapture or leak because of a hard impact in an accident. In case of low quality, illegal, degraded or cheap silicone implants, there is usually a high risk of rapturing and leaking, and these silicone implants don’t have any warranty as well.  

Silicone implant removal due to having a serious accident impact on the chests

Warning symptoms or signs that silicone implants need replacing
Silicone breast implants replacement or correcting will be required when patients have asymmetrically sagging breasts, which might be caused by aging and this can affect silicone implants as well. Correcting or replacing a suitable size of silicone implants will be considered depending on conditions. Silicone raptures and leaks are 'silent' early on and are slowly followed by changes in implant texture or shape, but indicative symptoms are a burning sensation, breast pains, skin redness, changes in the contour or shape of the breast, or a feeling of a lump near the silicone shells, because leaked silicone penetrates into muscle tissue, irritate the tissue and cause inflammation and swelling.

Consider carefully before having breast augmentation surgery
Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is getting more and more popular today. Careful consideration is required before deciding on having the surgery. Check the quality of cosmetic clinics, read update about safety of cosmetic surgery, and search about how to choose types and brands of silicone implants. Also, choose a qualified surgeon who is available to answer your questions, and gives you beneficial suggestions. Ask about post-operative care and what your surgeon will do if any complications occur. These tips are important for you to have effective and satisfying results.

Thank you Thaiza ,Mycosmeticbeauty ,Manager ,Iranidawakhana ,Kapook ,Bkkparttime , Youtube

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