"Excess fat"causes
"Excess fat" originates from the excretory system of the body. Some of the waste is excreted through stool, and some of the toxic waste remains in the body and is harmful to blood circulation and the lymphatic system. This toxic waste can cause darker skin or acne, and it will be "fixed permanently" inside fat bodies in form of an excess fat regulated by the body system in order to prevent effect to blood vessels and the lymphatic system. The excess fat is formed in "cellulite" that is a deposited fat in the muscle beneath the skin which appears bumpy, like an "orange peel".
Original of "cellulite"
The origin of cellulite is the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue that manifests topographically as skin dimpling and nodularity. Cellulite occurs with abnormalities of fat tissues and impaired blood circulation, as well as lymphatic systems in some areas of the body, which causes fluid to be blocked around fat cells. Then, the body system will form a fascia to cover around the fat cells with a deformed shape and the fat cells are pushed up to the subcutaneous layer of the skin, resulting in the Orange peel appearance.
A photo, comparison of normal and cellulite skin

What’s the difference between “Cellulite” and “Regular fat”?
Regular fat in the body is easily get rid of with exercise, while cellulite is high density and misshapen fat tissue that can’t be removed easily, as it is developed by excess fat storage with several step processes. Massage therapy, exercise, and diet will be required in order to remove cellulite effectively.

Why does cellulite occur more commonly for women?
Having cellulite doesn't mean you are overweight. Even thin people can have it, depending on the lifestyle and habits of individuals. However, it is more common among women than men, because women’s connective tissue is shaped in a vertical pattern like a honey comb with a lot of accumulated fat, whereas men’s connective tissue is arranged as more of a grid with less stored fat and therefore cellulite does not occur so commonly for men.
A photo comparison of connective tissue of men and women

Female skin : Women’s connective tissue is shaped in a vertical pattern like a honey comb with a lot of accumulated fat.
Male skin : Men’s connective tissue is arranged as more of a grid with less stored fat.
5 types of “Cellulite”
1. Soft Cellulite. This type of cellulite is more common for women aged 20-30 years. It gives the skin an undulating appearance and is soft to the touch. Mostly, genetics are considered the cause of this type.
2. Hard Cellulite, also known as solid cellulite. This type is more common for women aged 20-40 years and is mostly found around the hips and upper thighs. It gives the skin a tight and grainy texture, or dimpled like orange peels. This cellulite can feel like a small hard lump.
3. Flaccid Cellulite. This type is more common for women aged > 40 years who do not routinely perform physical activity or exercise. This cellulite is of a soft fat lump appearance with sagging of skin and soft muscles. It is mostly found around the abdomen, waist, and chin.
4. Edmatous Cellulite. This results from problems of poor circulation aggravated by significant fluid retention. It appears a swelling and dimples when pressed. It mainly occurs around the hips and thighs, which is sensitive skin with noticeable blood vessels, and become more columnar.
5. Mixed Cellulite. This is one of the most frequent types of cellulite and has a tendency to settle with all types (type 1-4) everywhere on the body of all people. It is more common for married women, and for adults who lack exercise, and especially occurs for people who consume a lot of fats, sugars and starch.
Eliminate excess fat and cellulite with “Vaser Smooth”
Vaser Smooth is a liposuction technology that was designed for double (x2) effects that both eliminate excess fat in selected target areas, and which also break up cellulite in areas with superficial fatty tissues for smooth and firm skin. This procedure uses ultrasound waves to emulsify fat and also uses a small device to break up fatty tissue that creates cellulites. The procedure is safe and U.S. FDA-approved.
5 ประเภทของ “เซลลูไลท์”
2. Hard Cellulite เป็นเซลลูไลท์ที่พบได้บ่อยในผู้หญิงอายุ 20-40 ปี มีลักษณะเป็นก้อนเล็กและแข็ง เมื่อบีบดูจะเห็นเป็นก้อนแข็งเล็ก ๆ อย่างชัดเจน พบได้บ่อยบริเวณบั้นท้ายและสะโพก
3. Flaccid Cellulite เป็นเซลลูไลท์ที่มักพบได้ในผู้หญิงที่มีอายุมากกว่า 40 ปีขึ้นไปและไม่ค่อยได้ออกกำลังกาย ซึ่งจะลักษณะเป็นก้อนไขมันนุ่ม มีการหย่อนคล้อยของผิวหนังและกล้ามเนื้ออ่อนเหลว พบได้บ่อยบริเวณหน้าท้อง รอบเอว ท้องแขน และคาง
4. Edmatous Cellulite เป็นเซลลูไลท์ที่มักได้กับผู้ที่มีการไหลเวียนของเลือดไม่ดี มีการคั่งของน้ำเหลือง จนทำให้มีลักษณะเหมือนการบวมน้ำ พอกดแล้วบุ๋ม พบได้บ่อยบริเวณสะโพก ต้นขา ซึ่งบริเวณที่เป็นนั้นจะมีผิวหนังบอบบางเห็นเส้นเลือดได้ชัดเจนและบวม
5. Mixed Cellulite เป็นเซลลูไลท์ที่พบได้บ่อยที่สุด คือ ในคนเดียวกันจะมีเซลลูไลท์อยู่หลายแบบ ตั้งแต่ประเภทที่ 1 - 4 โดยมักพบในผู้หญิงที่แต่งงานแล้วและในวัยผู้ใหญ่ที่ไม่ได้ออกกำลังกาย หรือผู้ที่ชอบกินอาหารจำพวกไขมัน ของทอด น้ำตาล และแป้งมากจนเกินไป
Eliminate excess fat and cellulite with “Vaser Smooth”
Vaser Smooth is a liposuction technology that was designed for double (x2) effects that both eliminate excess fat in selected target areas, and which also break up cellulite in areas with superficial fatty tissues for smooth and firm skin. This procedure uses ultrasound waves to emulsify fat and also uses a small device to break up fatty tissue that creates cellulites. The procedure is safe and U.S. FDA-approved.
Procedures of cellulite elimination with “Vaser Smooth”
1. A small incision 1 cm in diameter is performed to insert a small device.
2. The treatment area will be injected with a saline solution and an anesthetic.
3. The Vaser Smooth device will emit ultrasonic energy to break down fat. It will be inserted under the skin and directly touch the fat that is to be eliminated.
4. The melted fat is a liquid and it is sucked out gently without damaging surrounding tissue.
What body areas can be treated with “Vaser Smooth”?
บริเวณที่สามารถกำจัดเซลลูไลท์ด้วย “Vaser Smooth”

Photos and Information are All Rights Reserved for SLC
What body areas can be treated for cellulite with “Vaser Smooth”?
Upper arms
“Vaser Smooth” results with double effects (x2)
• Cellulite is removed, resulting in smooth and firm skin after the first treatment.
• Better shape.
• The skin in treatment site is firmer.
5 benefits of cellulite elimination with “Vaser Smooth”