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Did you know that young women can experience “urinary incontinence”?
23 Mar 2016 18:40 | Read 12,528

Facts about "urinary incontinence "which can occur for young women

Are you one of the people experiencing “urinary incontinence” or having an involuntary leakage of urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising, lifting heavy objects, etc.? These conditions are often an embarrassing problem. Actually, urinary incontinence can occur for young women in the average age of 15 – 45 years until pre-menopause age at about over 45 years of age. As collagen formation in the vaginal tissue decline when women get older, the vaginal muscle - which supports pelvic organs such as the bladder - becomes weak and flappy, and this results in the bladder being in the wrong position, which can lead to "urinary incontinence." 

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