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Beauty tricks of using “ice cubes” on face and skin
14 Aug. 2015 16:15 | Read 16,896

In hot weather during the summer months, ice cubes are such a relief.
But you can also use ice cubes for the advantages it offers for your beauty! Well, read on to know more about the uses of ice cubes on your face and skin:
1. Ice cubes restore your face to a fresh and dewy look!!
On some days when you’re feeling tired, rub some ice cubes over your face - this gives your face a cooling effect, gives you relief, and makes your makeup last longer.


2. Getting large size pores is prevented by using ice cubes.
They reduce the large pores and make them smaller. Rub ice cubes on your face regularly to get long term effects of tightening pores.

3. Take care of acne
Applying ice on acne helps to reduce the inflammation and can help you get rid of acne as well. You don’t need pricking and piercing your whiteheads and blackheads anymore!


4. Ice cubes can relieve puffy eyes after you’ve cried
After you have cried and have puffy eyes, try this trick for the sake of your eyes. Take some ice, wrap it in a soft cloth and rub it over your eyes for 5 minutes. This will remove the puffiness from your eyes, and make you feel relaxed and refreshed.


5. Ice cubes can increase blood circulation!
You can enhance blood circulation by using ice cubes and a hot compress to rub on your face on a daily basis. Better blood circulation gives your face a natural and healthy glow! 


6. Ice cube anti-aging
You can use ice cubes applied all over the face regularly to fix your face to look young!


7. Get rid of a tan
Ice cubes help with cooling off a sunburn. They provide a very cooling feeling and also reduce skin inflammation. All you have to do is apply some cubes on the affected area. This is an effective home remedy to get rid of the tanning.


8. Painless plucking
Practically, all women go through the periodic painful procedure of having their eyebrows plucked. Rubbing an ice cube across the eyebrow line makes the region temporarily numb, thus reducing the agony of plucking. Repeat the procedure after plucking eyebrows as it helps in preventing redness and reduces swelling of skin.


9. Chewing gum remover!
Even though one might be too ashamed to admit it, it is a very generic accident of finding chewing gum stuck on your hair!! Ice happens to be a lifesaver in these situations as it hardens the gum, which you can then easily scrape off, without causing much damage to the surface.


10. Aid for muscle pains
Due to the ice cubes’ inherent property to reduce inflammation and swelling, ice works wonders on muscle pains, thus giving an instant relief by reducing the pain. Use a soft cotton cloth to wrap them up, or use a cool pack, and press it on the affected area. The coolness of the ice cubes or the cool pack gives you instant relief. 


11. Ice water makes your Nail polish dry instantly!
If you dip your nails in ice water after painting them, they’ll dry pretty much immediately!


Beauty Tips to Remember!
1. You have to make sure that you use clean ice cubes for your face, otherwise you might get acne or a rash on your face due to the dirt in those ice cube.
2. If your skin is sensitive, only use cubes wrapped up in a clean cloth instead of using ice cubes directly onto the skin.
3. Don’t rub ice cubes over the skin for a long period, as it can cause cold burns that take a long time to heal!
Now that you know how beneficial ice cubes can be for your skin, use them in the correct way and get maximum benefits from them. Keep the tips in mind, and use them as effectively as you can!

Thank yougirlsallaround.com

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