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4 technologies of ''excess fat elimination!!''
30 Nov 2015 15:21 | Read 19,880

Excess fat problem!!  
There are various ways to get rid excess fat in the body, such as dieting control, eating low calorie foods , exercising, as well as taking diet pills (sedative pills), but these techniques might not work for all people in terms of helping weight loss and removing excess fat. Therefore, excess fat elimination with medical technologies has been created. The technologies are different and should be recommended by specialized doctors based on individual conditions and problems. Here are 4 technologies of ''excess fat elimination" for people who suffer from excess fat and being overweight to know about and understand medical procedures to treat excess fat problems safely. 

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4 technologies of "fat elimination" 

1. RF (Radio Frequency) fat eliminating massage for firmer and smoother skin
RF treatment is an innovation of beauty treatment by transmitting electromagnetic energy through the skin tissue, in the form of RF (Radio Frequency) waves at 0.3 - 0.5 MHz, which is a safe frequency. The electromagnetic energy increases the body temperature, stimulates collagen generation, enhances muscle and skin tissue firming, improves blood circulation and the lymphatic system, as well as activates body waste elimination in the form of sweat.

   RF (Redio Frequency)   

Suitable for
- Individuals who have stored cellulite.

- Individuals who had a liposuction treatment and desire to have a firmer skin. 

- Safe and suitable RF (Radio Frequency) waves will be transmitted through the skin tissue in the deep layer to increase the skin along with a roller function for skin massage.

- The muscles and tissue underneath the skin will shrink after being activated by RF waves, resulting in firmer skin.

- RF stimulates collagen formation in deep tissue.

- RF activates elimination of waste products in the form of sweat and lymphatic fluid.

- Patients will remain the same weight, since it is not a weight loss procedure.

- Smooth and firm skin without orange peel condition.

- Excess fat and cellulite will be eliminated.

- Tight and firm skin in treatment area after a few treatments, depending on the skin condition of individuals.

- Blood circulation is improved.

- Mechanical Massage of roller function provides relaxation.

Post-operative care
- You should be able to return to your regular activities right away.

- Drink 3-4 liters of water within 24 hours after treatment, in order to enhance remaining body waste elimination.

- Control starch, sugar and lipid foods.

- Exercise regularly to boost skin firming.

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2.  Vela Shape III excess fat and cellulite elimination for smoother and firmer skin
The Velashape III treatment combines four different technologies - IR (infrared), RF (radiofrequency), Roller and Vacuum System. This technology eliminates excess fat and cellulite with massaging and emitting various energies, such as IR (infrared) and RF (radiofrequency) which enhances the collagen function in the deep layer of the skin in order to firm up the skin, as well as a combination of the roller and the vacuum functions which increase these energies’ function in order to eliminate fat effectively. The treatment is painless and provides a relaxing feeling; results will be noticeable after the first treatment.

     VelaShape III    

Suitable for
- Individuals who have stored cellulite.

- Individuals who desire to remove orange peel skin for smooth and firm skin.

- It is available for all skin shades.

- Eliminates skin cellulite with combination of four different technologies - IR (infrared), RF (radiofrequency), plus vacuum and Mechanical Massage (Roller).

- Cellulite will be burned and removed through the lymphatic system.

- IR heat provides a firm and smooth surface without orange peel to the epidermis skin layer.

- RF heat activates blood circulation and enhances stored fat burning.

- Mechanical Massage of roller function provides relaxation.

Post-operative care
- You should be able to return to your regular activities right away.

- 3 treatments, each spaced 2 weeks apart is recommended for long term effects.

- Avoid exposing treated skin to the heat.

- Avoid having too much starch, sugar and fat foods.

- Use skin care cream to provide moisture to the treated areas.

Smoother and firmer skin immediately after treatment
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Velashape III
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3. Vaser Lipo Selection  is a fat elimination technique that works gently and removes stored fat in specific sites. 
Nowadays, Vaser Lipo Selection is a precise fat elimination procedure that is safe and has become popular gradually. It uses an ultrasonic energy to emulsify fat in specific sites prior to it being removed with a liposuction procedure, which leaves the surrounding tissue, blood vessels, and nerves virtually unharmed. Risk of swelling and bruising from this technology is very low because there is hardly any contact from the probe, like in traditional liposuction. It produces eye-catching results in just one procedure.

   Vaser Lipo Selection   

Suitable for
- Individuals who look for a liposuction procedure that works gently and safely.

- Individuals with stored fat in specific sites, and who’ve tried to lose weight with other various methods but who could not reduce excess fat in several areas, such as hips, thighs, abdomen, waist, etc.

- It uses a minimally invasive ultrasound technology for precision body contouring.

- It works by periodically emitting ultrasonic energy to emulsify stored fat in specific sites.

- The fat liquid will be removed with a small Vaser probe with a curve shape that will not damage surrounding tissue.

- Patients will remain same weight since it is not a weight loss procedure.
- Treatment sites will be resized immediately after first treatment.

- Improvement in body contour will continue for 3 months.

- Patients can resume normal activities immediately after treatment.

- Liposuction is very small, and so treatment site is a small incision with
maximum 2 cm diameter.

- The stitches scars will be disappear naturally.

Post-operative care
- Wearing garments regularly is recommended in order to improve body contour effectively.

- Having stitches removed by a doctor’s appointment.

- Control diet and keep treatment sites active for long term results.

Vaser Lipo Selection procedures 

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Results may be different from person to person

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Results may be different from person to person

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Results may be different from person to person

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Results may be different from person to person

4. Spatz Slim Adjusting behavior continuously for a year in order to lose weight 10 - 20 kg in a year 
Spatz Slim is a weight-loss innovation with a stomach-filling balloon technique in order to change diet habits. You will lose weight gradually up to 10-20 kg within a year. The balloon size can be adjusted (increase/reduce) by filling with water and “methylene blue”, as individually suitable under the supervision of a specialist. This procedure is appropriate for people who are overweight with a Body Mass Index (BMI) above 27, you can check the BMI normal range table in here: goo.gl/4o2B6K. . And Spatz Slim is also suited for people who have been unsuccessful in "losing weight" through dieting, limiting calorie consumption, exercising or even using weight-loss pills (sedative). This medical technology can assist the reshaping of people by adjusting eating behavior for long term effects. 

   Spatz Slim      

Suitable for
- Individuals who have a BMI of at least 27.

- Individuals who tried to lose weight through other various methods but who were unsuccessful.

- Individuals who look for a non-surgical procedure.

- It is a stomach-filling balloon technique.

- A balloon containing water and “methylene blue” that can be increased/ decreased to increase/reduce the balloon size.

- Balloon removal is performed by releasing “methylene blue” first, and then the balloon will be removed using an endoscope.

- Patients will lose weight gradually up to 10-20 kg within a year.

- It is a weight-loss technique that change diet habits continuously and in the long term.

- Results in reshaping and weight loss relying on daily habits.

Post-operative care
- Meet your doctor every 6 months, to follow up your weight.

- The balloon will be removed using endoscope within one year.

- People can have a stomach-filling balloon reinstallation to continue diet habit adjusting 3 months after the first balloon was removed.

* Under doctor consideration

- Having antacid is recommended for up to 1 year after the balloon was installed.

ขั้นตอนการทำงานของ Spatz Balloon 

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Results may be different from person to person

Optimal of body system provides health for you
The Spatz Slim treatment is a solution to reduce stored fat and to lose weight after you’ve tried other weight loss methods and they did not work for you. However, the concept of the weight loss program is to optimize the body into a balanced condition for health, high immunity and avoiding serious diseases. It doesn’t necessary mean that “slim people” are also healthy. You can start yourself to become healthy by having your weight stay in the normal range, avoid having fat and high calorie foods, eating the five main food groups daily, exercise daily, as well as having adequate sleep. Healthy people usually have a high immunity and do not get sick often; therefore healthy people also have a longer life.

Thank you for reviewing Spatz Slim from Spatzmedical
Thank you for viewing the video clip of Spatz Slim functions from Spatz Medical Inc

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