Are you worrying about “chubby cheeks, puffy cheeks, or a fat face”?
Currently, there are various medical procedures of facial contouring to improve facial dimensions and achieve a more harmonious state with the rest of the facial composition. Many people lose confidence because of chubby cheeks, fat face, or puffy cheeks. These conditions are caused by several factors, such as facial anatomy, aging, the genetic predisposition of individuals, etc.
What kind of fat causes chubby cheeks?
Chubby cheeks can be caused by 2 types of facial fat, subcutaneous fat and Buccal Fat. Many people with fat face misunderstood that their chubby cheeks are caused by Buccal fat, but actually in some cases excess subcutaneous fat caused chubby cheeks. Doctor’s consideration is required for the correct fat cheek reduction treatment.
2 types of facial fat
1. Hypodermic fat is the fat beneath the skin where the levels of depth depend on body weight, eating behavior and routine life styles.
Hypodermis fat

2. Buccal fat pad is several encapsulated fat masses in the cheek. Normally, everybody have buccal fat pad naturally, and most people begin to lose this facial fat when they get older.

Buccal fat pad
2 medical procedures to reduce excess facial fat and “reduce chubby cheeks” safely.
1. Hypodermis fat elimination with Laser Fat Lift technology
Laser Fat Lift (Accu Lift) is a method of using lasers with an optimum wavelength for fat elimination (1,444 nanometers) through a small fiber optic tube inserted to the hypodermis fat layer. The lasers will stimulate fat bodies elimination into fluid form, which will be sucked out by a blunt needle of 1 – 1.5 mm diameter. Depth levels of the needle to suck out fat fluid depends on the thickness of hypodermic fat of the individual, which averages around 3 mm – 1cm. This technology is suited for people with extra facial fat, without damage to surrounding tissues, and is painless or cause only mild discomfort. It provides firmer and smooth skin textures with a small incision (1-2 mm), this procedure is safe and U.S. and Thai FDA- approved.
1. A skilled doctor marks treatment sites
2. Laser waves are applied to eliminate extra fat marked treatment sites
3. Acculift breaks down fat bodies into fat fluid
4. Fat fluid was sucked by a blunt needle
Review: Fat elimination in specific areas with Laser Fat Lift
Gentle fat elimination in specific sites

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Results may be different over time from person to person
2. Buccal Fat Pad Removal surgery
Buccal Fat is several encapsulated fat masses in the cheek. Most people with chubby cheeks usually have other conditions apart from extra buccal fat pad, such as having prominent cheek bones or jaw size, excess hypodermal fat, etc. Therefore they might need other treatment besides Buccal Fat Pad Removal surgery. Buccal fat removal is done under local anesthesia through the inside of the mouth in the cheek area with a 1-1.5 cm incision. Then the buccal fat pad is gently teased out and removed, and the incisions are completed with dissolvable stitches. Surgical period is approximately 30 minutes and patients are able to resume normal activities immediately without rehabilitation requirement.
1. An incision in the inside of the mouth is made, and then the buccal fat pad is gently removed
2. The incisions are completed with dissolvable stitches.
3. Buccal fat is a pad form, since there is no fat breaking down procedure
Comparing “Cheek hypodermis fat elimination” to “Buccal Fat Pad Removal surgery”
Comparing “Cheek hypodermis fat elimination” to “Buccal Fat Pad Removal surgery” |
Cheek hypodermis fat elimination
Buccal Fat Pad Removal surgery |
Treatment areas |
Gets rid of extra hypodermal fat in various sites including the cheeks, mouth corners and chin. |
Removes Buccal fat pad underneath the skin muscles inside the mouth in the cheek areas. |
Techniques |
Treatment periods |
1 hour, approximately |
1 – 1.50 hours, approximately |
Incisions |
1.5 mm incision. |
2 cm incisions inside the mouth will be completed with dissolvable stitches. |
Results |
• A slimmer face with more dimensions, since this procedure is able to get rid of extra fat in various sites of the face.
Thinner in the cheeks below the cheek bone. |
Period until results become apparent |
The results can be noticed gradually between 1-3 months, depending on the individual. |
The result can be noticed gradually between 3-6 months, depending on the individual. |
Post-operative cares |
• Wearing garment regularly is recommended in order to firm facial skin.
• Wearing garment regularly is recommended in order to firm facial skin and heal incision rapidly.