"Filler" a technique to restore youthful fullness to your facial appearance!!
Everyone usually desire ultimate beauty and would like to maintain their beauty forever. As we age, our faces naturally lose subcutaneous fat, so smile lines, facial creases and crow’s feet become more apparent. Nowadays, we believe that most women seek various procedures to improve their facial appearance and make them pretty with youthful looks! There are several methods to magically provide a beautiful appearance immediately after treatment! Filler (or dermal fillers treatment) is the popular facial aesthetic treatment among super stars and celebrities. There are frequently asked questions (FAQ) about filler which SLC Clinic is going to answer before you decide whether to have this treatment.

1. Q: What is a filler and its properties?
A: Filler is a facial aesthetics with an injectable substance called Hyaluronic Acid (HA) which is recognized worldwide as a safe substance. It is a natural extract containing collagen, which is a basic component of the skin and naturally occurs to hydrate and lubricate the human skin and restore youthful appearance. Filler provides properties as skin contouring to raise or puff up treatment area to become fuller. Filler treatment is usually recommended for individuals who desire to improve wrinkles, drooping and deepening of lines, furrows, and wrinkles to become firmer and have an even texture. And filler can be applied for facial contouring to improve facial appearance as well.
2. Q: How does Hyaluronic acid work?
A: Hyaluronic acid (HA) attracts water to hydrate and add volume to the treatment area, plumps up and revitalizes skin, enhances skin elasticity, provides firm and smooth skin, reduces aging wrinkles and lines, and obviously restores a youthful appearance. Over time, Hyaluronic acid is broken down by normal biological processes and removed from the body.

3. Q: Does filler irritate or cause skin allergy?
A: Nowadays, no filler allergy cases have been recorded. This is because natural Hyaluronic acid is extracted with safe procedures to produce a harmless and stability substance for all skin types, except for some people who had an allergic reaction to a local anaesthetic and misunderstood that they are allergic to the filler. Therefore, people who have a history of allergic reaction to a local anaesthetic are required to notify a doctor before having dermal filler treatment.
4. Q: Can filler migrating from the injection location? And why?
A: The filler can migrate or become dislodged in some conditions, as follows:
1. Some fillers in the market are classified as a real Hyaluronic Acid and provides semi-permanent effect or can last for more than 5 years, but our doctor will not use this kind of filler on our patients, because the filler can migrate in the tissue if it remains in the tissue for a long period.
2. If too large molecule fillers were injected to some inappropriate skin areas it can make the filler move. Therefore, the filler treatment should be performed by a specialized doctor, and use a fine molecule filler suited for the skin texture in each location.

5. Q: How long will the effects of standardized dermal fillers treatment last?
A: Nowadays, the result of a single dermal filler treatment by FDA approved fillers can be seen instantly and can last for 1 year, 1.5 years, and up to 2 years, depending on treatment areas, filler types, and post-treatment care of individuals. Fillers will 100% gradually decompose without any residual, since 2 years is the optimum period of fillers that won’t migrate and irritate the skin.

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6. Q: What dermal layer should the filler be administrated to for a safe result?
A: Dermal fillers are available for all skin layers, based on skin concerns of individuals and the doctor’s consideration is required for dermal skin injection. The safety of filler administration depends on the skill and experience of the doctor. There are many capillaries in some skin areas, such as eyebrow lines, hollow areas under the eyes, etc. and these areas can have a side effect from the filler if it is performed by a doctor who do not have the appropriate training or experience, or a doctor who are not careful giving treatment by using too sharp needles which can damage capillaries and surrounding tissue.

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7. Q: Will the filler melt if exposed to heat?
A: It depends on treatment areas and degree of heat exposure, for instance for individuals with Fillers Lip reshaping who usually enjoy eating hot food this activates breaking down of the filler. However, other areas with filler injection will not directly contact the heat as the lips, therefore heat exposure is not the main factor that cause filler melting.
8. Q: What areas can be treated with Fillers?
A: Dermal fillers can be used to smooth away facial lines and wrinkles, create fuller lips and shape facial contours, such as hollow areas under the eyes, cheeks and chin, and revitalize the skin, improve lips to look like “Babii Lips”, fill up wrinkles and improve the skin under the eyes like “Dolly eyes”.

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Photos and Information are All Rights Reserved for SLC
Photos and Information are All Rights Reserved for SLC
Results may be different over time from person to person
9. Q: How long is treatment time?
A: About 10-15 minutes, depending on the area treated.
10. What is the post treatment care after filler treatment?
Drink plenty of water, at least 8 – 16 glasses, in order to enhance the filler volume and function, to provide hydrated and firm skin.
Sleep with the head elevated on pillows for 3-4 days after the procedure.
Cold compress on the treatment sites is recommended.
Do not have Sauna, face massage, skin scrubbing, or laser treatments during the first 2 weeks after treatment.
Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours.
Do not have strenuous exercise after treatment.